
How to Get Your First Personal training Client: Follow these 7 Simple Tips

How to Get Your First Personal training Client: Follow these 7 Simple Tips

Are you wondering, how to get your first personal training client? Well, personal training is a growing industry. In fact, the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a 39% job increase for personal trainers and fitness instructors between 2020 and 2030, faster than the average 14% in other occupations. So if you have your personal training certificate, you’re on the right track. You have the knowledge and skills needed to help people achieve their fitness goals. But before you put these skills to use, you need to find your first client.

Now it is time to explore the market and show your skills. Follow these 7 simple steps to connect with potential clients, generate interest, and book your first session.

1.How to get your first personal training client: Have a good attitude

The first step to landing your first client is having the right attitude. Remember, clients will not only come to you to buy a product but spend time with you. They look forward to working with someone who will motivate and inspire them to reach their fitness goals. And you don’t need to have a lousy attitude that will scare them away.

Moreover, think about competition from other personal trainers. They are doing everything in their power to bag more clients. And chances are you don’t want to lose potential clients to them. It would be best to up your and remain on top. So you need to appear friendly and approachable and do everything in your power to seem likable to potential clients. Being confident also makes you seem authentic allowing you to stand out of the crowd.

2. How to get your first persona training client: Look the part

In addition to having a good attitude, you need to look the part. I mean, you need to eat healthily, work out and train smart to develop your body. Besides, when you’re working out, put in your best effort, use the perfect technique and a range of exercises and people will start noticing your efforts. I mean, who doesn’t want to work with a girl or guy with a fabulous physique and knows her craft well?

Potential clients will start coming to you for advice on exercises, training programs, and nutrition guidelines. When helping them, let them know you’re a personal trainer. And you’ll soon land your first personal training client.

3. How to get your first personal training client: Make your business niche

Remember to have people trust you more; you need to specialize in a particular niche. Be it strength condition, weight loss, weight lifting, or yoga. Potential clients like seeking advice from a coach who can help them achieve their goals. And if you’re an average personal trainer, you’re likely to lose out. So it would be best if you stood out from other trainers to attract personal training clients.

Once you have a niche-specific market in your mind, you’ll literally know where to look. Having a niche also helps you build a clientele that fits your existing skills and trait. For instance, Bret Contreras helps people build glutes. So people looking to grow their glutes will look for him.

4. How to get your first personal training client: Make use of Social Media 

how to get your first personal training client

Now you have a niche; the next step is using social media platforms to build an audience and land your first client. Start by creating and sharing informative workout videos on Instagram or TikTok. You can also create a Facebook group and interact with members by sharing your story to inspire them. This story can be about weight loss, healthy meals, or a new workout routine you’re trying out. Be the inspiring mentor they are looking for but without showing off.

Connect with your audience by commenting and answering their questions. Like their photos and respond to follow requests. Engaging with your audience helps build trust, and most of them will come to your inbox asking for advice.  Also, remember to post consistently so that your audience won’t forget about you. You’ll soon stand out from the crowd, and clients will start flocking your inbox.

5. How to get your first personal training client: Offer free assessment

Offering free assessments is another excellent way to get your first personal training client. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on advertising. Just let people know you are a personal trainer by offering a free no-obligation fitness assessment. It can be the step-up test, push-up test, and overhead squat assessment, among others. Take a prospect through a couple of these assessments. Then explain the results and what actions they can take to improve.

You can do a couple of these assessments and discuss the results in 30 minutes or less. That’s it. It’s a great way to help people get to know, like, trust you as a personal trainer and land your first client.

6. How to get your first personal training client: Tap into your network

how to get your first personal training client

Tapping in your network is a great way to land your first training client. Let your family and friends know you’re a personal trainer and help you spread the word in the town. You can do this by email, sending a letter or by  word of mouth.

7.How to get your first personal training client: Follow up with potential clients

Following up with those who have shown interest in your services is another practical tip. It can be daunting and challenging, but talking to your potential client to achieve their fitness goals can see you win not only one but many clients. Try this sales method and let go of whatever is holding you from trying.

Use these tips to follow up and land your first personal client. These tips will help you land your first personal training client.

  • Greet them as they enter the gym or approach them on the gym floor and ask them how they’ve been.
  •  Check with your potential client every week. You can have a natural conversation about how their workout is going on or ask them what challenges they are facing during training.

These conversations help them to be aware of your presence in the gym. And they’ll subconsciously keep you in their mind if they ever need to hire a personal trainer.

These suggestions are a great way to start, but you can also pick great pointers from online communities. Thinking about joining personal trainers’ forums or fitness groups. Here you’ll learn techniques that have worked for others, ask questions or answer questions from other members. With diligent effort, you can land your first client and expand your clientele.

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