
What Is The David Goggins Workout Routine And Diet Plan?

What Is The David Goggins Workout Routine And Diet Plan?

Renowned as the toughest man alive, David Goggins has earned a reputation that few would dare to challenge. A retired Navy SEAL, Goggins holds the unique position of being the sole member of the U.S. Armed Forces to conquer SEAL Training (enduring Hell Week twice!), U.S. Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller Training. 

However, Goggins’ journey to becoming a ripped, formidable force was not a straight line. Once a hundred pounds overweight and struggling to complete a single pull-up, he underwent a staggering transformation. 

True testimony that with the right workout, meal plan, and drive anyone can get into incredible shape.

From a starting point of being out of shape and overweight, he ascended to remarkable heights, achieving feats like completing 4,030 pull-ups in a Guinness World Record-setting 17 hours. This article delves into how he trains and fuels his exceptional performance.

Table of Contents:

Who Is David Goggins?
What Is His Daily Workout Schedule?
What Is The David Goggins Workout Plan?
David Goggins Training Secrets
What Diet Plan Does David Goggins Follow?
David Goggins Diet & Workout: How He Lost So Much Weight

Who Is David Goggins?

Delving into the man’s remarkable life is essential to appreciate the significance of David Goggins’ workout routine fully. Born on February 17, 1975, in Buffalo, New York, Goggins’ early years were marked by adversity and hardship. 

Growing up in an environment rife with poverty, racism, and abuse, he faced challenges that would shape his character and instill in him an unyielding determination to overcome the odds. Goggins’ journey to becoming a Navy SEAL was anything but straightforward. 

He navigated through repeated setbacks, injuries, and moments of self-doubt, emerging victorious by sheer will and an unrelenting desire to prove his worth. Graduating from BUD/S training, renowned for its rigorous physical and mental demands, solidified Goggins’ position as one of the select few who earned the prestigious title of a Navy SEAL.

After leaving the military, Goggins set his sights on a new challenge – ultramarathon running. Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, he pushed his body and mind to extraordinary limits, conquering ultramarathons in some of the most grueling conditions. 

He triumphed in the Badwater Ultramarathon, often regarded as the toughest foot race globally, multiple times, establishing himself as an unparalleled endurance athlete. Beyond physical feats, David Goggins is an accomplished author, motivational speaker, and a symbol of inspiration for countless individuals. 

His autobiography, Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds, provides a profound insight into his life, offering lessons on mental toughness, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence.

What You Need to Know About David Goggins

Looking for a few key facts before we get into the David Goggins workout? Here’s what you need to know about this inspirational man.

1) He Overcame Childhood Adversity: 

David Goggins grew up in a challenging environment. He faced poverty, racism, and abuse throughout his childhood. These experiences shaped his character and instilled a determination to rise above his circumstances.

2) He Was A Navy SEAL: 

Goggins joined the U.S. Navy in the late 1990s and underwent SEAL training, one of the most grueling military programs in the world. Despite multiple attempts and setbacks, he finally graduated from BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training and became a Navy SEAL.

3) He Competes In Ultramarathons: 

After leaving the military, Goggins set his sights on a new challenge: ultramarathon running. He has completed numerous ultramarathons, often in extreme conditions. One of his most famous achievements is completing the Badwater Ultramarathon, known as “the world’s toughest foot race,” multiple times.

Also, in 2016 David won the Infinitus 88K, considered one of the toughest races in the world. He finished with a time of 12 hours flat, which was twenty minutes ahead of the second-place finisher.

4) He Holds World Records: 

Goggins has broken several world records, including the most pull-ups in 24 hours, completing 4,030 in 17 hours. He has also set records for running the most miles in 24 hours.

5) He’s A Public Speaker and Author: 

Goggins is a sought-after public speaker, captivating audiences with his powerful and motivational talks. His ability to articulate his experiences and share insights on resilience, determination, and overcoming adversity has made him a compelling figure in personal development.

Authorship is another aspect of Goggins’ multifaceted career. His autobiography, “Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds,” provides readers with an intimate glimpse into his extraordinary life.

In this book, Goggins candidly shares the trials and triumphs that have shaped him, offering valuable lessons on mental toughness and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement.

What Is David Goggins Daily Workout Schedule?

David Goggins’ intense routine is a testament to his unwavering commitment to self-improvement and physical fitness. While Goggins acknowledges that his lifestyle may not suit everyone, it offers valuable insights into the dedication required to achieve exceptional results.

Goggins typically wake up at 4:00 AM, believing that starting the day early gives him a competitive edge and allows him to complete his workouts and other tasks before most people even begin their day. His morning usually begins with a long run, often covering distances of 10 to 20 miles or more, depending on his training goals.

In addition to running, Goggins amazing workout routine incorporates strength training, focusing on bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and weightlifting. Maintaining flexibility and mobility is crucial to prevent injuries, so he dedicates time to stretching and mobility exercises.

Goggins also engages in cross-training activities, which include cycling, swimming, and various forms of cardiovascular exercise to improve overall fitness. Furthermore, he practices mental toughness training by enduring extreme conditions, such as running in the desert or cold weather.

Proper muscle recovery is a crucial part of Goggins’ routine, which includes rest, ice baths, and proper nutrition to help his body recover from the intense training. He ends his day with a reflection process, evaluating his performance, what he could have done better, and setting goals for the next day. This reflection is in line with his accountability philosophy.

The David Goggins Workout Routine

The David Goggins workout routine is both intense and diverse. It includes running, strength training, mobility work, and endurance exercises. Running is fundamental to Goggins’ training; he regularly logs long-distance runs. His dedication to running has allowed him to complete numerous ultramarathons and set impressive records.

Goggins must incorporate strength training into his routine to build physical strength and muscular endurance. Bodyweight exercises, such as pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups, are among his favorites. He also lifts weights to maintain and build muscle mass.

Hoping to train alongside Goggins? Check out his 45-minute workout.

Cross-training activities are part of his routine, which involves cycling, swimming, and various forms of cardiovascular exercise to diversify his workouts and improve overall fitness. Goggins emphasizes the importance of maintaining flexibility and mobility through stretching and mobility exercises to prevent injuries.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Goggins’ workout routine is his mental toughness training. He actively seeks discomfort and adversity, pushing his limits by enduring extreme conditions. This mental resilience is crucial to his preparation for ultramarathons and other endurance challenges.

Proper recovery is essential for Goggins to continue his intense training. He uses ice baths, massages, and rest to ensure that his body can withstand the physical demands he places on it. 

Now, if you don’t have time to work out all day (hey, we get it!) but want a routine that emulates David Goggins’ workout, here’s a sample schedule to follow. Please note that this is still a very challenging routine. Start slow, or begin with shorter distances, and work up to this. But remember: Part of the David Goggins’ routine is pushing yourself more than you thought possible!






Long-distance runs (try to add on 10 minutes of running per week)


Strength Training

Bodyweight exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups)



Long-distance runs


Strength Training

Weightlifting for muscle mass maintenance



Cycling or swimming


Running and Strength Training

Long-distance run, plus additional strength training


Running & Cycling

Perform a run in the morning and cycling in the afternoon or evening

Every Day


Ice baths, massages, stretching routine, & rest

David Goggins Strength Training Routine

In contrast to a conventional bodybuilding split routine, David Goggins opts for a streamlined strength training regimen focused on compound lifts to enhance strength and muscle development. Goggins’ gym routine revolves around a concise selection of five exercises, each executed with a dedication to intensity and purpose. 

The sets and repetitions are carefully structured to maximize effectiveness:







Pull Ups









Push Ups



*Perform workout 2-3 times weekly

During these exercises, Goggins incorporates substantial weights, deliberately avoiding failure until the last set of each movement. The final set pushes him to failure, where strict repetitions become unattainable. Goggins observes rest intervals of up to 3 minutes to facilitate adequate recovery between sets.

Complementing his primary strength training routine, Goggins dedicates specific sessions to core workouts three times a week. This supplementary David Goggins workout regimen includes four distinct exercises, each performed with a focus on core strength.




Swiss Ball Obliques



Russian Sit Ups






Broomstick Obliques



*Perform 3 times per week

For another great David Goggins workout, try the push up challenge he swears by:

You can also get more information on this routine in our article: David Goggins 30 Push Up Challenge.

David Goggins Workout Training Secrets

David Goggins’ training secrets are not just about physical exercises but also his mental approach to fitness and life. These secrets are instrumental in his remarkable transformation, fitness goals, and success, in addition to his daily workout regime.

Embrace Discomfort: Goggins firmly believes that growth and improvement happen outside one’s comfort zone. He actively seeks discomfort and adversity to test his limits and build mental toughness.

Set Audacious Goals: Goggins sets audacious and challenging goals for himself in training and life. These goals push him to work harder and overcome obstacles.

Mental Resilience: Goggins practices mental resilience by facing extreme conditions and enduring discomfort. He believes that a strong mind is as essential as a strong body.

Consistency: Goggins’ daily routine is characterized by consistency. He doesn’t take days off lightly and adheres to his schedule regardless of external factors.

Follow The 40% Rule: Goggins popularized the concept of the “40% rule,” which suggests that when you feel like you’ve reached your limits, you’re only at 40% of your true potential. This mindset allows him to push through perceived limitations.

David Goggins Diet Plan

David Goggins follows a flexible dietary approach and is a fan of the keto diet, adapting these according to the demands of his training and challenges. Unlike a rigid, fixed diet plan, Goggins tailors his nutrition to align with his physical exertions. His dietary strategy has evolved over the years as he’s gained a deep understanding of his body’s responses to different training regimens.

During his journey to lose over a hundred pounds in three months to qualify for complete Navy SEAL training, Goggins adopted a straightforward formula: reduce calorie intake and eliminate unhealthy foods. He calculated his maintenance calorie level to create a consistent deficit and then reduced it by 750-1000 calories daily. This approach aimed to ensure weight loss without compromising muscle mass.

To support his muscle preservation while on a calorie-restricted diet, Goggins maintained a high protein intake, emphasizing sources like chicken breast, lean steak, and fish. Additionally, he incorporated intermittent fasting into his routine, postponing his first meal until after his morning workout. His initial weight loss phase mainly involved walking and running.

Goggins continues to employ intermittent fasting as part of his eating strategy, particularly when he has intense weight or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions planned in the morning. In such cases, he follows a 16:8 intermittent fasting plan, where he finishes eating at 6:30 PM and abstains from food for 16 hours until 10:30 AM the following day. This approach allows his body to tap into stored body fat for energy during fasted workouts.

After these morning workouts, Goggins breaks his fast with a combination of fast-digesting proteins and medium/fast-digesting carbohydrates, often as a protein shake. On days without early intense workouts, his breakfast typically comprises oatmeal with blueberries, a banana, and walnuts for healthy fats.

While preparing for high-mileage running events, Goggins increases his carbohydrate intake to ensure his muscles are well-stocked with glycogen. However, he opts for natural, low-glycemic carbohydrate sources such as sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, fruits, and vegetables. This choice minimizes insulin spikes.

Here’s a sample plan of what David Goggins eating looks like each day.



Breakfast (Post-Workout):

Protein Shake (fast-digesting protein)
Oatmeal with Blueberries, Banana, and Walnuts


Grilled Chicken Breast
Mixed Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots)


Greek Yogurt with Berries


Lean Steak
Sweet Potato
Steamed Asparagus

Evening Snack (if needed):

Mixed Nuts (almonds, walnuts)

Goggins follows a flexible eating style and adapts his macronutrient ratios to match his training needs.

David Goggins Supplement Stack

His supplement routine is straightforward, primarily consisting of a post-workout protein shake to aid muscle recovery. Additionally, Goggins sometimes incorporates exogenous ketones into his regimen to facilitate and sustain a ketogenic metabolic state, where the body primarily burns fat for fuel.

Another staple in Goggins’ supplement toolkit is essential amino acids. He combines them with water and consumes this mixture as an intra-workout supplement to support his endurance and muscle performance during training sessions. 

The table below provides links to our recommendations for each product David Goggins takes.


Product Link

Protein Powder

Transparent Labs Grass-Fed Whey
Swolverine Whey Isolate
Kaged Casein

Exogenous Ketones

Dr. Boz Raspberry Lemonade Keto BHB Powder
Real Ketones BHB Exogenous Ketones Drink Mix Packets

Amino Acids

Optimum Nutrition Complete Essential Amino Acids Tablets
NOW Sports Nutrition Amino Complete Capsules

David Goggins Workout And Diet: How He Lost So Much Weight

David Goggins’ transformation is remarkable – way beyond just shedding some pounds. From a guy who felt out of shape and insecure, he morphed into a symbol of grit and unshakeable determination. And it’s not just about the physical changes; his journey is also about a mental shift.

Goggins credits a lot of his transformation to what he calls the “Accountability Mirror.” It’s not a mirror but more of a mental check-in where you get honest with yourself. Goggins thinks actual change kicks in when you take an honest look, own up to your weaknesses, and hold yourself responsible for what you do (or don’t do).

He’s big on embracing discomfort and pain, too. Goggins believes that pushing through physical and mental barriers is the secret to discovering your full potential. This philosophy is woven into his everyday routine and workout plan – it’s all about stepping out of that cozy zone and taking on the challenges head-on.

Wondering what the David Goggins workout plan will do for you? Check out this video below, in which the YouTuber “Try It Guy” follows his workout and diet plan for 30 days. The results are pretty impressive!


Here are a few more commonly asked questions about David Goggins’ workout routine.

How Much Does David Goggins Run a Day?

David Goggins typically runs between 10 to 20 miles per day. However, the distance he covers can vary depending on his training goals and upcoming events. He has been known to push himself to run even longer distances during ultramarathon training.

How Much Does David Goggins Weigh?

David Goggins’ weight can fluctuate depending on his training and dietary choices. He has mentioned that he has weighed between 185 and 210 pounds at different times. His weight is influenced by his training goals and the specific demands of his activities.

How Many Hours a Day Does David Goggins Sleep?

Goggins typically sleeps for about 4 to 5 hours a night. He believes getting up early and starting the day with a workout gives him a competitive edge. However, he also emphasizes the importance of quality sleep and acknowledges that individual sleep needs may vary.

How many pull-ups did David Goggin do in a row?

Goggins’ impact extends far beyond the pages of his book. He holds multiple world records, including the record for the most pull-ups in 24 hours – an astounding 4,030 pull-ups in just 17 hours.

Does David Goggins Take Rest Days?

In his autobiography, “Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds,” David Goggins delves deeper into his perspective on rest days and recovery. Within this narrative, Goggins emphasizes the significance of active recovery and the avoidance of complacency. 

He discusses how traditional rest days, characterized by complete inactivity, may not align with his pursuit of self-improvement. Goggins advocates for a mindset that values strategic recovery for the human body, incorporating lighter activities to keep the body engaged without subjecting it to excessive stress.

The David Goggins Workout: Takeaways

David Goggins’ story is a testament to the incredible transformation possible through dedication, hard work, and a willingness to push beyond perceived limitations. His workout routine and training secrets serve as an inspiration to anyone looking to achieve their own goals, whether they be in fitness, personal growth, or other areas of life. 

Embracing discomfort, setting audacious goals, building mental resilience, maintaining consistency, and understanding the 40% rule are valuable takeaways from his remarkable journey.

Interested in more ultra-intense workout plans? Check out The Rock Workout Routine, the Chris Hemsworth Workout Routine, and the Bruce Lee Workout Plan!

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