
Dumbbell Back Workout: 7 Exercises & Full Routine

A well-defined, broad back is something that almost all gym-goers aspire to build. A question we often hear is, “Can I put muscle on my back without a ton of gym equipment?”. The answer is yes.

We will give you a beast of a back workout that only uses dumbbells. Now, you might be thinking, “What about overhead pulling movements?”. Yeah, unless you plan on hanging upside-down, not gonna happen here. Dive into 7 powerful back exercises, complete with video demonstrations, to achieve a full and effective workout. 

Top 7 Exercises For Killer Back Workout With Dumbbells

Most likely, you’ve heard of most of these, but there may be some surprises in this list that will make you wish you had heard of them sooner. let’s get into the exercises before you get to the full workout.

1. Overhand Bent-Over Rows

I mean, this seems like a no-brainer. Whether dumbbell or barbell, bent-over rows should be a staple in most gym-goers’ repertoire; using an overhand grip for these rows will hit your upper back muscles (traps, rear delts, rhomboids, teres major).

2. Dumbbell Deadlifts

We don’t expect you to shatter any world records, but grab the heaviest pair of dumbbells you can handle and give the dumbbell deadlift a shot. Your often underworked erector spinae will thank you.

3. Helms Row

Now that your lower back is fatigued, these chest-supported rows will help you focus on pulling with your lats, and your traps will
be screaming, too. Make sure you’re getting a good stretch at the bottom of the movement for the highest potential to build muscle.

4. Single Arm Dumbbell Carry

This is a deceptively challenging exercise. The weight is off-center unlike the farmer’s walk, so your entire back is engaged to keep you upright. Start by carrying the weight at your side. If you want a bigger challenge, perform the movement with the weight held above your head.

5. Single Arm Dumbbell Row To Hip

This name doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but it will get your lower lats screaming. The above two bent over row variations engaged the upper back. This one focuses on getting a deep stretch on your lower lat and making sure that the lat is the prime mover rather than another back muscle.

6. Dumbbell Lat Pullover

This is a fun one. Often on lists for chest exercises, the dumbbell pullover will give your lats an incredible pump when done correctly. Flare your elbows out and bring the dumbbell in a wide arc (rather than close to the body).

7. Seated Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly

Ok, so while technically part of the shoulder, building a set of solid rear delts will help you look massive from the back. The weight should be challenging, but not heavy enough that you need to break form to move it. When performing rear delt dumbbell exercises, focus on using your delts to move the weight rather than your traps. I always like to imagine I’m opening a giant hard to open bag of chips to get maximal activation.

Full Dumbbell Back Workout


Overhand Bent Over Rows

2 Warm-Up Sets x 15 Reps
3 Sets x 10-12 Reps

*Rest 90 secs

DB Deadlifts

4 Sets x 8-10 Reps

*Rest 90-120 secs

Helms Row

3 Sets x 10-12 Reps

*Rest 90 secs

Single Arm DB Carry

3 Sets (each arm) x  40 yards

*Rest 90-120 secs

Single Arm DB Row To Hip

3 Sets (each arm) x 10-12 Reps

*Rest 90 secs

DB Lat Pullover

3 Sets x 10-15 Reps

*Rest 60-90 secs

Seated DB Rear Delt Flys

3 Sets x 15-20 Reps

*Rest 60 secs

Wrap Up

Look at that—a full back workout without a single pull-up or pulldown. There are enough exercises on here to give you one helluva back workout. Play around with hand position and see what works for you. Give this workout a fair shot, and you’ll have to turn sideways to fit through doorways in no time.

Check out our full collection of dumbbell workouts

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