
Shoulder and Trap Workout: Muscle-Building Routine

Want to look huge with a shirt on and even bigger without one?

Then, you need to develop some boulder shoulders and impressive traps. When you first think of muscular shoulders, your mind probably goes to rounded side delts and when you think of traps, hunks of muscle that go from your shoulders up to the middle of your neck.

While you’re not wrong, you’re only getting part of the picture. Developing the entire shoulder is going to help give you a huge 3D look, not matter which angle you’re looking at. The middle and lower traps are often neglected in favor of the more well-known upper traps, but packing muscle on the middle and lower traps can help give you the appearance of a thick, powerful upper back (think of it like a muscle backpack from the side).

Alright, let’s get into this and get you looking swole.


Don’t even think of neglecting doing a proper warm-up. This might be the most crucial part of the entire workout. Since your shoulder complex is exactly that (complex), making sure all the little muscles are warm and ready to go should be top priority. Don’t rush through this!

Shoulder Circles: 2 sets of 15-20 reps each direction

Band Pull-Aparts: 2 sets of 20 reps

Cable Internal Rotation: 2 sets of 15-20 reps

Cable External Rotation: 2 sets of 15-20 reps

The Workout

Standing Overhead BB Press

4 x 6-8

DB Lateral Raise

3 x 10-12

Bent Over Reverse Flyes

3 x 12-15

DB Front Raise

3 x 10-12

Face Pulls

3 x 12-15

Barbell Shrugs

4 x 8-10

Dumbbell Shrugs

3 x 12-15

Trap 3 Raise

3 x 12-15

Cable Upright Rows

3 x 10-12

Enjoy being able to move your arms around freely because, after this workout, it’s going to be a struggle. Specially designed to hit all the muscles in your shoulders and traps, this workout will have you walking out of the gym looking absolutely pumped up.

1. Standing Barbell Overhead Press

4 sets of 6-8 reps
Muscles Hit: Front deltoids, lateral deltoids, upper traps
Key Tip: Maintain a strong core and avoid excessive lower back arching.

2. Dumbbell Lateral Raises

3 sets of 10-12 reps
Muscles Hit: Lateral deltoids
Key Tip: Lift the dumbbells with a slight bend in the elbow and keep the movement controlled.

3. Bent-Over Reverse Flyes (Dumbbells or Cables)

3 sets of 12-15 reps
Muscles Hit: Rear deltoids, middle traps
Key Tip: Focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.

4. Dumbbell Front Raises

3 sets of 10-12 reps
Muscles Hit: Front deltoids
Key Tip: Keep your palms facing down and avoid swinging the dumbbells.

5. Face Pulls (Cable or Bands)

3 sets of 12-15 reps
Muscles Hit: Rear deltoids, upper traps, middle traps
Key Tip: Use a neutral grip, pulling towards your forehead and keeping elbows high.

6. Barbell Shrugs

4 sets of 8-10 reps
Muscles Hit: Upper traps
Key Tip: Hold the contraction at the top for a second and lower slowly.

7. Dumbbell Shrugs

3 sets of 12-15 reps
Muscles Hit: Upper traps
Key Tip: Focus on range of motion, lifting the shoulders as high as possible.

8. Trap 3 Raise

3 sets of 12-15 reps
Muscles Hit: Lower traps
Key Tip: Use a light weight and control the movement, focusing on the scapular retraction.

9. Cable Upright Rows

3 sets of 10-12 reps
Muscles Hit: Upper traps, lateral deltoids
Key Tip: Keep your elbows higher than your wrists throughout the movement.

Alternative Exercises

We know doing the same exercises over and over can get pretty boring. Here are some exercises that can be substituted into this workout. Just match the muscles worked with the sections below, and you’re good to make this workout your own!

Front Deltoids:

Arnold Press
Landmine Press
Cable Front Raise

Lateral Deltoids:

Cable Lateral Raise
Machine Lateral Raise
Weighted Steering Wheels

Rear Deltoids:

Reverse Pec Deck
Cable Reverse Flyes
Dumbbell Rear Delt Row

Upper Traps:

Snatch-Grip High Pull
Power Shrugs
Farmer’s Walks

Middle Traps:

Seated Cable Row (Wide Grip)
Chest-Supported Row
Yates Row

Lower Traps:

Prone Y Raise
Scapular Pull-Ups
Face Pull (With External Rotation)


There it is. A straightforward, effective shoulder workout to build a set of shoulders and traps that will turn heads. With all the alternative exercises provided, you should be able to customize this workout into something that you’ll be able to use for years to come. There’s nothing more to say but get to the gym and move some iron!

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