
Buying guide to deadlift bars

Buying guide to deadlift bars

Do you want to build your best pull ever? Are you looking to compete in Powerlifting?

Make sure you’ve got the right tools for the job!

Deadlift bars are specialist, high-precision barbells for pulling the most weight possible. Today, we’re showing you which bar is best for you, and what you need to focus on to get the right product for the right price.

Everything you need to know about the deadlift bar

The deadlift bar is a longer, more flexible barbell designed specifically for the deadlift. The bar helps you cue ‘pulling the slack out’, whilst also providing more space for more plates and a much easier time with the sumo deadlift.

This then makes the deadlift bar a great choice for deadlift specialists or anyone competing in the USPA.

“If you’re going to compete on a deadlift bar, you should train on a deadlift bar.”

For many home gym users who train recreationally, a deadlift bar is also just a good choice for improving the training experience. The positions are more favorable to help you lift more, improve technique, and cue you into a strong starting position.

What Is Special About A Deadlift Bar?

A deadlift bar is a whippier, longer version of a normal barbell. It also has deadlift-specific knurling since it doesn’t have to accommodate squatting, bench press, or other exercises.

This is a standard image for comparing the two, from Rogue CA

The deadlift bar simply stays on the floor/platform and removes some of the discomfort that many powerlifters experience when pulling on a stiff bar.

Key factors for buying the right deadlift bar

If you’re going to spend 10,000+ reps with this deadlift bar in your hand, you need to make sure it has the right load capacity, knurling, and diameter. Then you probably need to consider the price!

Let’s look at what makes a great deadlift bar for home gym use…


The amount of load a barbell has to hold depends on your current strength and your long-term use of the bar. If you’re already pulling huge weights, then you may need to consider a barbell with a higher loading capacity.

However, for most people, the typical 700-1000 lbs load capacity of a cheap deadlift bar is enough. More load capacity is always good, however, since it demonstrates better build quality and materials.

“Get a deadlift bar with over 1000 lbs load capacity for men. They go up to 2000 lbs, which may be a little excessive, but it’s a bonus.”

The Texas Deadlift Bar has a 1500 lbs weight capacity, as well as a slightly longer 92.5” build, and one of the best deadlift bars on the market.


An aggressive but tolerable ‘knurling’ is key – the patterned grippy section of the barbell. Grippy knurling is sharper and improves your stability on the bar during the pull, but also damages the skin.

Sharper knurling helps you hold the bar, but also increases the rate of callus build-up on the hands – or tearing.

The key is to get what you’re familiar with – barbell manufacturers typically outline their knurling style on product pages.

For example, the Bells of Steel Deadlift bar is an affordable choice with a super ‘aggressive’ knurl for maximum top-end weights.

Bells of Steel Deadlift bar


The diameter of the barbell can also significantly change how it feels in your hands.

Typically, barbell diameter and flex increase together; thinner bars whip more when you pull on them.”

Diameters of around 27-29 mm are typical, and smaller ones may be an undue handicap. You can pull on smaller bars more easily, and fatter bars are more challenging on the grip. We’ve seen deadlift bars from 26mm to 31mm, and recommend the 27-29mm ‘regulation’ size for all barbells.

The Rogue Ohio Deadlift Bar is a great example at 27mm with great whip and a great price for the quality.

Rogue Ohio Deadlift bar

Deadlift Bar FAQ

What does a deadlift bar weigh?

A deadlift bar typically weighs 20kg – just like an Olympic barbell – because they tend to be thinner than other powerlifting bars. For example, the squat bar weighs 45 lbs (20.4kg) because it is designed for American lbs plates.

Deadlift bars look heavier because of the added length, but the material choices, density, and diameter make it lighter for the length.

Does a deadlift bar make a difference?

Yes – deadlift bars make deadlifts both easier and more comfortable. These are both selling points – especially to powerlifters who compete on a deadlift bar in federations like the USPA.

The added flex in the barbell makes the start position higher off the floor, improving the lifter’s leverage. This makes for enormous deadlifts, especially for sumo pullers, where the added ‘slack’ completely changes the hip angle.

Conventional deadlifters get slightly less benefit from a deadlift bar, but still get a favorable position compared to a stiff bar.

Should I deadlift on a stiff bar? 

You should avoid deadlifting on a very stiff bar if you intend to compete in powerlifting, or if you’re looking to buy a bar for deadlifts. A standard barbell (e.g. the Rogue Echo bar) is better than a stiff bar for deadlifting, and a dedicated deadlift bar is even better.

Stiff bars make it harder to pull the slack out – needlessly difficult – and are designed for squatting and bench press. The stiffer a bar is, the less comfortable it will be to deadlift.

You can deadlift on a stiff bar, it’s just the worst option for most people, most of the time!

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