
BEST Exercises to Lose Belly Fat For Men and Women

BEST Exercises to Lose Belly Fat For Men and Women

Every time a ‘lose your belly’ advertisement pops up on the right side of my screen, I hit exit, suck in my stomach, and wait for a few seconds, hoping it’ll go away.

Belly fat is one annoying difficulty that offers sleepless nights for people. It is true that if one is able to keep their waist circumference under control, then their entire weight would be control. It is thus possible to bring the overall weight down by performing simple yet powerful stomach exercises.

Men and women store fat differently. Women tend to have more subcutaneous fat, which is fat stored under the skin. Which is why they tend to put on weight on their arms, thighs, buttocks and love handles. However, men don’t have as much fat stored under the skin and so what they gain first goes to their belly.

It is a common conception that abdominal and visceral fat are tough to remove and if one determines to lose belly fat, then they need to perform some tedious exercises along with healthy diet. Though the change in lifestyle and diet is desired to decrease weight, one best way to slim down waistline is exercise.

To reduce belly fat you’ll have to reduce the body fat percentage of your whole body. These exercises can help.

Belly fat linked to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Best Stomach Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

1. Crunches:

Crunches are best ways to burn belly fat faster as it ranks first among all fat burning exercises.

  • To perform this, one has to lie down on the mat with knees bend and feet resting on the floor, hands are to be placed in the head or kept crossed across the chest.
  • The upper torso of the body is to get lifted off the floor with repeated inhalation and exhalation

2. Twist Crunches:

Once you are used to regular crunches, one could proceed with twist crunches, an advanced and effective exercise for the tummy.

  • To perform this, one has to lie down flat with hands behind the head, bend knees and rest feet on the ground.
  • The right shoulder has to get lifted towards the left keeping the body on the floor and the same to be repeated on the other side as well.

3. Vertical Leg Crunch:

  • Just lie down flat with legs extended towards the ceiling and with one knee crisscrossed over the other.
  • After body gets positioned perfectly, the same crunch pose has to be performed, that is the upper body had to be lifted towards the pelvis.

4. Stomach Vacuum:

These are low impact exercises but have the potential to place the tremendous emphasis on breathing, without increasing heart rate. This is similar to cat stretch pose or transverse abdominal stomach vacuum.

  • Sit on all fours on the ground with the body supported by the knees and hands.
  • Inhale to loosen the abdomen and exhale to tighten abdominal muscles.

5. Captain’s Chair:

This exercise is to be performed on a chair.

  • One has to sit on the chair with spine kept straight.
  • Both hands to be placed beside with palms at the side of the hips facing downwards with deep inhalation.
  • During exhalation both the legs to be stretched upwards so that knees are close to the chest.
  • It is important not to bend forward or arch the back.

6. Cardio Exercises:

This is one of the most effective and proven ways to burn additional calories and shed abdominal flab from the body. Cardio is one best way that targets on belly fat and also got potential to decrease stress, enhances lung capacity, and offers better sleep and an overall sense of well-being.

These are some of the best and proven ways that control belly fat and keeps overall body weight under control when this gets coupled with proper dieting, one could see tremendous results over their body weight in a short time span.

7. Reverse curl with ball exercise

Lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Rest your heels and calves about knee-width apart on the ball. Tense your abs and, holding the ball between your heels and thighs, raise it off the floor. Slowly, return to starting position.

8. Mountain Climber

Think of the mountain climber as a moving plank. You perform a mini crunch when you explosively draw one knee into your chest.

What makes this move so difficult, however, is that your core has to work overtime to keep your body stable and straight every time you lift a foot off of the floor.

 9. Treadmill Sprints

If you’re looking to drop weight around your midriff — or anywhere else, for that matter — few exercises are better than short, sharp cardio bouts. Forget about daily 5ks and turn to HIIT instead. A study published in the Journal of Strength Conditioning Research found that participants burned up to 30% more calories doing a fast-paced HIIT workout over a longer, lower-intensity session for the same amount of time. To start, hit fifteen sets of 20 seconds sprinting with 40 seconds rest, and gradually increase your work: rest ratio.

10. Jumping Jacks

These are considered a cardiovascular exercise but also work every muscle in your body.  Performing them at a high intensity will help you lose belly fat more quickly. Aim for 20 jumping jacks three times per week.

Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

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