
What Is The Alex Eubank Workout Plan & Diet?

What Is The Alex Eubank Workout Plan & Diet?

Few things have had a more significant impact on fitness than social media. Apps like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok have changed the game. Going to the gym is no longer an underground activity. Thanks to influencers like Alex Eubank, more people have access to fitness content than ever. 

Alex is a fitness influencer who has amassed a large social media following over the past few years. With 2.7 million followers on Instagram and 1.2 million subscribers on YouTube, it’s safe to say many people are curious about his workout and diet plan. And it’s easy to see why. He is known for having an aesthetic physique that is both aspirational and attainable. 

This article will discuss what Alex does in the gym and kitchen to achieve his shredded look. Beyond that, we will analyze Alex Eubank’s key principles to help you get into the best shape of your life.

Table of Contents: 

Who Is Alex Eubank?
Principles To Getting An Alex Eubank Physique
What Is Alex Eubank’s Workout?
Alex Eubank Diet Plan

Who Is Alex Eubank?

Alex Eubank is a natural lifter who creates fitness and lifestyle content focused on bodybuilding. He has amassed a massive following at a young age on social media for being relatable while having an impeccable classic physique.

People enjoy following his fitness journey through weekly vlogs and social media posts. In addition to posting consistent content, he has various sponsorships and an apparel business.

Current Stats:

Height: 5’9
Weight: 175-185lbs
Age: 23 years old
Instagram: 2.8M subscribers (@alex_eubank15)
YouTube: 1.2M subscribers (@officialalexeubank)

5 Principles To Getting An Alex Eubank Physique

When analyzing any great athlete, it pays to pay attention to the principles that led to their success. Here are five principles Alex uses to achieve his ripped Greek God physique.  

1) Flexible Dieting:

When people see someone shredded like Alex Eubank, it’s easy to assume he only eats “clean” food. However, Alex incorporates flexible dieting into his nutrition plans. Flexible dieting is an approach that focuses on tracking and managing macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) to meet specific dietary goals while allowing for flexibility in food choices.

Instead of looking at foods as inherently good or bad, you pick foods that fit into your daily nutrient allotments. 80-90% of food choices should still be healthy, minimally processed whole foods, but the remaining 10-20% can be what you want. One of Alex’s favorite treats is a rice crispy pre-workout. 

We have some great resources if you’re hoping to take a flexible dieting approach similar to Alex’s. Check out our article on the 80 20 Rule Diet and Macros Counting.

2) Sustainable Fat Loss Approach (1lb per week):

Alex Eubank takes a slow and steady approach in a fat-loss phase, aiming to lose one pound weekly. Going about a cut this way is more sustainable and allows you to maintain muscle and strength.

A mistake many people make is dieting too strictly right from the start. Head to our Cutting Workout & Diet Plan and we’ll show you how to do it the correct way.

3) Prioritize Arms:

When looking at Alex’s current workout split, he prioritizes arms more than any other muscle group. He trains his arms twice weekly to increase the volume of biceps and triceps exercises.

If you have a muscle group you want to prioritize more than others, follow Alex’s lead and train it multiple times per week.  

4) Training to Failure:

Utilizing the training principles of Mike Mentzer has recently gained popularity in social media circles. Mentzer is one of the old-school bodybuilding legends known for training to failure. Training to failure is a workout strategy where you perform an exercise until you cannot complete another repetition with proper form, pushing your muscles to their absolute limits.

Taking a few sets per workout to failure is a great way to increase the overall intensity of your training and muscle growth. Of course, this style of progressive overload is taxing, so use it sparingly. Use it for 3 sets but save 5 sets for your standard strength and hypertrophy training.

5) Adequate Rest and Recovery:

With hard training comes the need for good rest and muscle recovery. Alex takes two rest days per week when he is out of the gym to support muscle recovery and alleviate muscle soreness.

Want some more great pointers from Alex Eubank? Check out the video below where he shares the tips and tricks he wishes his beginner self knew!

Alex Eubank’s Workout Routine

If you came here looking for a workout routine to follow, you are in luck. Here is an entire five-day-per-week workout program, following a 5-Day Workout Split format.

Alex changes his exercises frequently, so this is different from his exact weekly routine but is very similar to what he typically does. Notice Alex pairs muscle groups together that are targeted with the same exercises, always including a major muscle group, like chest and back, with a smaller muscle group like bis and tris.

Weekly Training Schedule

Note that there are no workouts listed for Wednesday and Saturday. These are rest days.

Monday: Legs 

The first training session of the week is a leg day workout. Alex starts with leg extensions to warm the knees before moving on to hack squats. The hack squat is the main exercise of the day. He ends the workout routine with two leg curl variations, a leg press, and seated calf raises. 

Use the following workout as a basis for progressive overload. After a week or two, considering upping the sets to four, particularly on machine exercises where you can go heavier. For example, instead of the leg press being 3 sets, make it so its: Leg Press: 4 x 10-12.


Sets x Reps

Leg Extension

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Hack Squat

3 sets x 8-10 reps

Lying Leg Curl

3 sets x 10-12 reps

Leg Press

3 sets x 10-12 reps

Seated or Standing Leg Curl

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Seated Calf Raise

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Tuesday: Chest and Triceps 

Alex dedicates the second workout of the week to the chest and triceps. He prefers to begin his chest workout routine with a pre-exhaust. A pre-exhaust is a training technique in which an isolation exercise is performed before a compound exercise to target and fatigue a specific muscle group.

In this case, the pre-exhaust is the flat dumbbell fly before the incline dumbbell bench press. After incline Hammer Strength machine presses and cable crossovers or pec deck, Alex performs three sets of bodyweight dips to failure.


Sets x Reps

Flat Dumbbell Fly

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Incline Hammer Strength Press

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Cable Crossover or Pec Deck

3 sets x 10-15 reps


3 sets x to failure

Thursday: Back and Biceps

After a rest day on Wednesday, Alex is back in the gym for back and biceps on Thursday. The workout routine starts with the classic barbell deadlift. He performs deadlifts primarily for strength, utilizing low reps.

Moving on, he does an underhand grip pulldown followed by a machine pullover. A machine pullover is a great and relatively rare exercise for effectively isolating and developing the lats. After that, he does two rowing variations before finishing the workout with two biceps movements. 


Sets x Reps


3 sets x 1-5 reps

Underhand Grip Pulldown

3 sets x 8-12 reps

Machine Pullover

3 sets x 10-12 reps

Seated Cable Row

3 sets x 8-10 reps

Wide Grip Chest Supported Row

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Machine Incline Curl

3 sets x 8-12 reps

Machine Preacher Curl

3 sets x 10-15 reps

Friday: Shoulders

Friday is devoted to his shoulder workout. Alex has previously combined shoulders and arms in one workout, but he separates them into two different sessions in his Alex Eubank workout routine. The shoulder workout begins with heavy seated Smith Machine shoulder presses.

Next up is lateral raises to target the side delt. Alex prefers to do them seated as he feels it allows him to get a better stretch and contraction. Next is alternating front raises, followed by two exercises for the posterior delts.


Sets x Reps

Seated Smith Machine Shoulder Press

4 sets x 8-10 reps

Seated Lateral Raise

4 sets x 10-15 reps

Standing Dumbbell Alternating Front Raise

4 sets x 10-15 reps

Incline Prone Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise

4 sets x 10-15 reps

Cable Facepull

4 sets x 10-15 reps

Saturday: Arms and Abs

The last workout routine of the week is arms and abs. Alex supersets the exercises, doing them back to back. An antagonist muscle is a muscle that opposes the action of another muscle. The biceps and triceps are antagonist muscles, making them great for super sets.

The workout starts with dumbbell overhead triceps extensions, immediately followed by a seated dumbbell curl. Next up are machine preacher curls supersetted with lying triceps extensions. To finish the arm portion of the workout, Alex does two triceps exercises, combining close grip bench presses with a rope triceps pressdown. Hanging leg raises, and machine sit-ups wrap up a hard week of training. 


Sets x Reps

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

3 sets x 8-12 reps

Seated Dumbbell Curl

3 sets x 8-12 reps

Machine Preacher Curl

3 sets x 8-12 reps

Lying Triceps Extension

3 sets x 8-12 reps

Close Grip Bench Press

3 sets x 8-12 reps

Rope Triceps Pressdown

3 sets x 8-12 reps

Hanging Leg Raise

3 sets x 10-20 reps

Machine Sit up

3 sets x 10-20 reps

Alex Eubank Diet Plan

Here is a sample day of eating and the nutrition breakdown for Alex Eubank’s diet when in a fat-loss phase. If you want a ripped physique, diet plays a huge role!


Food Items

Meal #1: Breakfast

2 multigrain English muffins
200g egg whites
3 slices turkey bacon
3 tbs sugar-free jelly

Immediately Pre-Workout Snack

2 rice crispy treats

Meal #2: Lunch / Post-Workout Meal

8oz filet
10oz sweet potato

Meal #3: Dinner

10oz chicken breast
2 carb balance wraps
1serving fat-free cheese
2 servings of low-fat sour cream

Meal #4: Protein Shake

1.5 scoops protein powder
4oz almond milk
1/s packet sugar-free pudding mix
1 tbs cocoa powder
1 tbs guar gum
Stevia, to taste
Handful of ice

Meal #5: Snack

3oz 99% lean ground turkey
2 slices low-calorie bread

The entire day of nutrition comes out to 256g of protein, 238g of carbs, 55g of fat, and 2471 calories. 


Here are a few answers to common questions about Alex Eubank.

Is Alex Eubank natty?

Although it is impossible to know for sure, Alex Eubank claims he is a natural bodybuilder, meaning he does not use performance-enhancing drugs. 

What pre-workout does Alex Eubank use?

Alex uses the pre-workout Superhuman Pump from his sponsor, Alpha Lion. Want to use the same products as Alex? You can get Superhuman Pump here.

Where is Alex Eubank from?

Alex Eubank is from Baltimore, Maryland. 

Does Alex Eubank take creatine?

Yes, Alex takes creatine. Creatine is one of the best supplements to support muscle growth. Here are the 8 Best Creatine Supplements so you can get the most out of your gym time.

How much does Alex Eubank weigh?

Alex weighs between 175 and 180 lbs. 

Where does Alex Eubank work out?

Alex works out at a few different commercial gyms but recently built his own private gym to train and film videos at.

Alex Eubank Workout Program: Key Takeaways

There you have it, Alex Eubank’s step-by-step workout and diet plan. While following this routine won’t guarantee you look like Alex, following the main principles will help you get in excellent shape. That said, consistency is key.

Use this as motivation and inspiration to crush your workouts and stay disciplined in your diet daily. Do that, and you will have an influencer-worthy physique in no time.

Want more celebrity-inspired workouts? Check out Iron Mike Tyson’s Workout & Diet Plan, or head to Chris Hemsworth’s Workout Routine for more muscle-building fitness inspiration.

Photos courtesy of Alex Eubank’s Instagram

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