
6 Muscle Building Diet Tips To Transform Your Body

6 Muscle Building Diet Tips To Transform Your Body

Are you struggling to build muscle and achieve the physique you desire? Your nutrition might be holding you back and preventing you from reaching your goals. The food you put in your body is the most important part of the equation.

Here are six muscle building diet tips to transform your body.

  1. Eat More Protein

There is evidence to suggest the more protein you eat, the better. Consuming over 2.5g per kg of body weight can help you build muscle and lose fat. For example, if you weigh 80kg, you should consume 200g of protein per day.

It sounds like a large amount, but there is nothing to imply that it has any harmful effects on health.

Protein is essential for the repair and growth of muscle. It helps your body to recover after intense workouts. Without it, your muscles will not grow or get bigger.

Here are some high-protein food sources:

  • Chicken
  • Salmon
  • Almonds
  • Tofu
  • Peanut butter
  • Beef
  • Chickpeas
  • Shrimp

8 Best Foods to Help You Gain Healthy Weight

Whether you’re a vegan, pescatarian, or meat-eater, there are plenty of options for protein.

  1. Invest In Supplements

Supplements provide an easy way to consume the nutrients your body needs to build muscle.

Some of the most popular muscle-building diet supplements include:

  • Protein shakes
  • Creatine
  • Pre-workout

Protein shakes are perfect for those who struggle to get enough protein in their diet. Usually, they contain 20-30g of protein per serving and consist of 100-400 calories. These work best when consumed immediately after a workout.

Creatine boosts athletic performance, such as improved strength and power. A key part of muscle-building is to progress the intensity of your sessions. With creatine, you will be able to lift heavier weights.

Pre-workout has a similar effect to caffeine. It is a stimulant that enhances motivation and decreases perceived exertion. Therefore, it can help you stay consistent with your workouts and push you to train harder.

Supplements are not a solution to a poor, inadequate diet. Instead, they add to your current eating habits. By giving your physique the extra push, it needs to build muscle.

3. Consume Casein Before Bed

Casein is a slow-releasing protein found in dairy products such as milk and cheese. Research shows its effectiveness for speeding up recovery and accelerating muscle growth. It works perfectly overnight as that’s when your body grows and adapts.

Too much food before bed can harm sleep. So try not to eat a massive meal. Rather stick to light snacks such as toast with cheese or a glass of milk. Eating at least 30 minutes prior will help your body digest too.

Furthermore, casein is another way of adding valuable protein to your diet. This will ensure you consume enough of this nutrient.

If you are a vegan or lactose-intolerant, there are casein supplements you can buy instead.

  1. Stock Up On Slow-Release Carbs

Slow-release carbs are a fantastic source of energy. They improve the quality of your workouts and help you recover efficiently making them one of the most effective muscle building diet tips.

Here are examples:

  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Potato
  • Quinoa

On muscle building diet tips, every meal should include one of these foods on your plate. Thankfully, carbs taste amazing and help to satisfy your pallet.

You need slow-release carbs before your workout for fuel. To build muscle, you need to consistently make exercise more challenging. Carbs provide the glycogen for your muscles to train at high intensity.

Likewise, after your session, carbs refill your glycogen stores. So you can recover and be ready for your following workouts.

Training regularly is an integral part of muscle building. Without slow-release carbs, your body won’t have the fuel to train intensely or often enough.

  1. Don’t Neglect Healthy Fats

Fats are crucial for the maintenance and production of testosterone. Testosterone is the “drive” hormone, and it’s what motivates you to train and build muscle in the first place.

Moreover, high testosterone levels lead to increased strength and more lean muscle mass.

Let’s not forget about immune system strength. Healthy fats protect you from infection. This will allow you to stay consistent with your training. Ultimately, missing sessions due to illness will slow your progress.

Healthy fats  to include in your muscle building diet tips include:

  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Avocadoes
  • Eggs
  • Dark chocolate
  • Chia seeds

If you do not enjoy eating fatty foods, opt for supplements such as omega-3 capsules.

  1. Eat Your Green Leafy Vegetables

Green vegetables are superfoods that have a variety of health benefits. Research shows they improve muscle function. Not to mention enhancing energy levels and providing extra protein.

Here are some muscle-building green vegetables for your diet:

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Spinach

Each of these is consumable and can complement any meal. Make an effort to have something green on every plate.

Kale contains potassium which improves protein synthesis. Spinach is a brilliant source of protein when consumed in bulk. And broccoli has many vitamins that may prevent you from getting ill.

Final Thoughts

If you follow these muscle building diet tips, you will see positive changes to your physique. In a nutshell, eat lots of protein and practice a well-balanced diet.

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