
A Visual Re-Cap

A Visual Re-Cap

When I started working with IRIS 2 years ago, I honestly thought the relationship would go as far as finding glasses that fit my face well and supporting a local company. But when I decided to do this re-cap post I realized this relationship became so much more then just learning about how to buy the right pair of glasses.

In the process of finding the right pair of glasses for not only myself but also my whole family, I’ve also learned from the Doctors as our local Iris how I can be fuelling our family better to support our eye health, how to protect our eyes against blue light rays to support healthier sleep patters, concentration and avoid unnecessary headaches. We have also learned about the importance of not only wearing sunglasses to protect our families eyes in the warmer months but how important shielding our eyes from harmful rays, dust and debris all year is something we need to be considering before we tuck our summer sunnies away.
When I look back at this list I’m once again how what I thought would be a relationship focused on stye and fashion quickly became so much more.
There are some partnerships as a blogger that leave a lasting impact on your family and I can say for our family the time spent with the Iris team has been just that.
looking forward to 2020 we are already starting to plan ahead for how we can meal prep better not just for performance and aesthetics but also our over all health, our eyes being a essential part of this planning.
We also are looking at ways to help our kids make eye care a daily health habit at school and at home by encourage blue light protection glasses while using screens, reading times and proper sunglasses for sports and outdoor activities.
Never in a million years would I have thought that putting these things are our family health goals would have been a priority for me, but its amazing how simple tips, information and quality investments into relationships can change your perspective.

Published by admin

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