
What Are The Best 3 Days A Week Workout Schedules For Building Muscle?

More people, especially as they get older, are finding that 5 or 6 days a week of lifting feels excessive, leading to so much fatigue and soreness, it’s no longer fun. Sometimes they just give up. Others simply don’t have time to train almost daily. If they are all or none thinkers, they might figure, “If I can’t follow the ideal schedule to maximize results, why bother at all?” They don’t realize how many time efficient training methods are out there. Training only 3 days a week is one of them. They also don’t realize you can make excellent gains with only 3 workouts a week. And there are more options for 3 day schedules than you might imagine…


If You Can Only Lift 4 Days A Week, What Are The Best Workout Schedules?

Many experienced lifters and physique athletes who want to build muscle train 5 days a week, and a handful even train 6 days a week. But for many people, these higher frequency training schedules are not realistic. As a result, they want workouts that are still effective but only require 4 days a week, or in some cases minimalist programs that take even less time. If you want to spend only 4 days a week in the gym, you may be wondering what are the best 4 day training schedules. In this extensive special report, you’ll see many options, some which you may have never thought of before.